Founded in 2009, Nah’R Murdono Law Office has been serving companies by providing them applicable & prudent legal advice which tailored to their business and legal purposes. We are surrounded by the firm culture that uphold ethics and manners and also unique collaborative working environment which allow us to come to you as a courteous solutive team. Our partners are professionals with more than 30 years of long standing experience in both corporate world and legal practices, working collaboratively with highly talented and uniquely recruited associates.

Our long standing of experiences enable us to put ourselves in our client’s sides. We combine our extensive experience, profound knowledge, technicality and corporate understanding to fully capture every individual of our client’s needs. Our ability to think forward has set us apart in delivering the much more appropriate solutions which has given a peace of mind to our clients that their business is moving forward and comply the prevailing law.

We are beyond legal. We escalate our standards to be more than just a legal advisor. We walk collaboratively on your side to pave the going concern of your business We are dedicated to be right on to your business and legal purpose.

Our Vision

“Pave The Going Concern of Client’s Business into Applicable and Prudent Legal Advice Right on to Client’s Business and Legal Purpose”

Our Value

Our unique collaborative culture shapes us to be lawyers who serve our clients courteously with excellent results. These are the reasons why entrust your legal case to us.

  • Demonstrating Integrity
    We have no doubt that positive attitudes are beyond everything. We value ethics and manner tightly. Once we earn trust from clients, we take care of it thoroughly by serving our clients courteously with high integrity. All of our lawyers genuinely hold it as their main principle.
  • Trustworthy is The Cornerstone of Every Partnership
    We believe trust is earned, not given. This principle has moved us forward to work with integrity and delivering excellent and impactful solutions for our clients. This is how we keep growing sustainably and walk conformly with our clients to meet their business and legal purpose.
  • Thinking Visionary. Providing Applicable & Prudent Legal Advice
    Forward thinking is one of our keys in delivering applicable & prudent legal advice. Our ability to address and pave the going concern of our client’s business helps them to see any feasibilities and mitigate risks which might arise.
  • Strive for Excellence
    We break the boundaries inside while delivering our promises. We are committed to go extra miles and deliver more than what our clients expect. It provides them assurance that their business decision has been excellently assessed to be compliant to the law. This is how we earn and maintain trustworthy from our clients for years.
  • Speedy Adaptability at Ever Changing Business
    With our deep understanding about Indonesian law and business unique environment and practices, we put ourselves on our client’s sides by understanding their needs to take appropriate actions in ever changing conditions. Our lawyers are all nurtured to be responsive at any conditions yet able to timely formulate much more appropriate and effective solutions.
  • Collaborative Work with Respective Individual
    We see and value client as a personal. Our extensive experience in corporate world has shaped us to fully understand how to support individual client’s needs for their company’s success. We work closely and collaboratively with the management and respective individual to ensure that their legal and business purpose are addressed in the most efficient manner and are consistent with their business objectives to enhance their corporate position.

iness and legal purpose.